emotions flowing as the music plays... for there maybe no tomorrow
Daniel 13 Sept.
living life as it is
today was so... tired...1st lesson.. i slept 1/2 t...
The Goddess of Ice and Hope. You are a creativewon...
=] today went for excursion...we got bored at the ...
Your Beauty lies in Plain Sight. Plain, simple and...
dunno if tats true anotz~tats 4 u all to say...but...
Your inner soul is content with the way it is. Ing...
= i'm a nice person? oei~! wan ting!even they thin...
You are a spring. You are very mellow most of thet...
-___ -" its seriously boring today...din do anythi...
o. 0gues... tats kinda true...hai~ tis yr feel so ...
anime ,
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food ,funny , games , life , lyrics , modeling , movie , music , quiz , sport , video ,
Daryl.Dennis. Gloria. Jasmine. Jason. Jessie. Jessica. Joash. Joanna. Justina.
Kelvin. Lynnette. Matthew. Marilyn. Ming. Nick. Ning. Party of Six.
Romans. Royce. Royce Teo. Ruby. Sammatha. San Fui. SwT.
Tawesa. Vicky. Yvonne. Yvonne2. Yu Qin. Zhunuo. Yovita.
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