profile entries graffiti the past

emotions flowing as the music plays... for there maybe no tomorrow

being a lazy
Its about 6:13PM.. Today, i've done NOTHING productive.. Not sure why, recently i seem to not be in the mood to studie. No sense of motivation is my current presumption. Seems that the week before wasn't much better, as i think about it. The maths assignment is always so hard, i end up somewhat giving up hope in finishing them. /hate [maths modelling]. Which doesn't make much sense at all, i mean like.. how do u make sense of something which is not logical(to me it isn't). Anyhow, i guess after dinner i'll have to buck up to get some work done. Exams are just under 5 weeks from now, and i'm thinking of the things to do during the holiday. Maybe.. i'll stay in Perth n find myself sum kinda job, work my bum off for some kinda holiday. Still interested in travelling down south to margert river, have a look at the beach n take a stroll in the rain.


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