profile entries graffiti the past

emotions flowing as the music plays... for there maybe no tomorrow

music to life

Translation Orange

On the nights I can’t sleep,
I sigh alone.
How is everyone?
I feel a little lonely.

I guess it’s not like myself.
I stop laughing;
I just don’t know
My true self.

Within the vast world, a single seed
Extended its roots
And put out a fruit that was still unripe.

The fruit that I wish would
Turn orange soon
Is bathed in your light.
The ideals and dreams just swell -
Hey, feel it.
Today, I tried
Eating an orange,
But it was so sour I cried.
I couldn’t leave it behind like I’ve been,
So I ate it all.
I like it… I’m crying.
I like it… I like it.

They’re similar, yet different -
Mandarins, oranges;
Friends, lovers -
As are the hearts of two people.

I didn’t want to be hurt,
So I was running away.
Then, even the light
Doesn’t shine for me.

They’re miracles, aren’t they?
Meetings and love,
Seeds and buds,
And even the fruits that are still unripe.

The orange color
Let me remember
The sunset I saw that day.
Our two shadows
Seemed like they were holding hands.
I wonder if the oranges
Will sweeten someday.
Or will they wither away?
I didn’t want to know my future,
And I ate it all.
I love it, but I’m crying.
I love it, so I’m crying.

The fruit that I wish would
Turn orange soon
Is bathed in your light.
The ideals and dreams just swell
Hey, feel it.
Today, I tried
Eating an orange,
But again, it was so sour I cried.
I couldn’t leave it behind like I’ve been,
So I ate it all. I love it…
I’m crying… I love it…
I love it…
I love it… It’s sour…
I’m crying… I love it.

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